Success Stories – Raptors

This bald eagle was found near the Saugatuck Reservoir suffering from an injured wing. Thanks to 15 months of intensive care at Wildlife In Crisis this eagle was given a second chance. The bald eagle remains endangered in Connecticut, and we must be aware that environmental pollution and excessive development continue to threaten this nascent recovery. Although we miss her presence here at WIC we know she is where she is meant to be, wild and free. This eagle is only one of over 5,000 wild animals cared for each year at WIC.

GreatHornedOwl2Fledgling great horned owl: A large young owl was spotted by a homeowner one Sunday this past June. The owl did not fly away when approached and no parent birds were seen in the vicinity. When we arrived, the owl made an attempt to fly but was too weak to get aloft. The owl was taken to our facility and was found to be suffering from shock, a severe bacterial infection, emaciation and dehydration. After two months of intensive care and time spent in a large flight cage where he gained the necessary strength, muscle tone and ability to find food on his own, he was released in the deep woods. Since then, he has been spotted on several occasions, and appears to be doing very well!

saw-whet-owllong-eared-owlSaw-Whet Owl and Long-Eared Owl – These beautiful, delicate owls are both threatened species. The saw-whet owl was brought to WIC as an injured orphan when the tree his family was residing in was cut down. He continues to grow and heal from his injuries at WIC. The long-eared owl was hit by a car as he flew across a roadway. A compassionate passerby found him lying on the side of the road and brought him to Wildlife in Crisis for care. His little body was badly bruised and he sustained a serious head injury and pelvic fracture from the impact of the car windshield. After several months of intensive care, he was moved into a private outdoor enclosure with another long-eared owl who had suffered a similar fate. After almost a year of recuperation we were able to release this owl, an important outcome considering the decline of this species.

barred-owlThis barred owl was brought to Wildlife in Crisis on a bitter cold February winter day. She was emaciated, barely clinging to life when she arrived at WIC after being struck by a car. She spent months of intensive care inside our clinic and spent the summer in our large flight cage with other barred owls in preparation for release–their second chance at life in the wild. Watch the video:

kestrelAmerican Kestrel – Each year WIC receives many threatened, endangered and species of special concern in need of care.This smallest of falcons in North America was brought to WIC entangled in a mylar ballon and string. We were able to remove the offending balloon and string, but it took over a year for this bird to recover from her injuries. She sustained a leg fracture and diminished blood flow in one wing due to the strangling string. This spring she was released into an appropriate habitat. A significant outcome, especially for this species of special concern. Balloons are a serious threat to all types of wildlife. Please refrain from “releasing” balloons of any kind.

hawksBroad-winged Hawks – This trio of hawks are all recuperating at Wildlife in Crisis from various injuries and exposure to toxins and will be spending the winter at WIC. The hawks in the foreground and middle were hit by cars. The hawk in the rear is suffering from rodenticide poisoning. Broad-winged hawks are small Buteo hawks who live in the forest interior. They are a species of special concern in Connecticut due to diminishing habitat. These hawks migrate to South America in flocks each fall. We are hopeful that all three of these hawks will eventually be releasable. In the meantime, they are enjoying the company of one another in their private habitat at WIC.

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When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.

David Orr