Success Stories – Birds
Baby bluebirds whose parents were killed by a neighborhood cat: A family in Darien had made it a family project to build and install a bluebird house on their property. They did everything right: they placed the house in a small field on their property, mounted it on a “predator proof” pole, and planted various berry bushes to provide a natural food source to attract birds. Spring came and so did a pair of bluebirds who busily built their nest and meticulously cared for their nestlings flying here and there finding insects to feed their young. One day the family noticed a neighbor’s black cat sitting beside the bluebird box tossing the brilliantly colored father bluebird in the air. They ran outside, but it was too late, the cat had severely injured the father bluebird who died moments later. Two days later the mother bluebird disappeared, there was no activity at the box all day and the family heard the hungry babies chirping for their parents. WIC removed the dehydrated babies from their warm, little nest and they were brought back to WIC’s facility. Once rehydrated the little nestlings were fed every half hour for several weeks until they learned to eat and find food on their own. They were released, and we can only hope that they don’t suffer the same fate as their parents.
Prevention tip: Millions of songbirds are killed each year by domestic house cats. Each year WIC receives hundreds of calls regarding wild animals that have been mauled by cats. This is having a significant impact on bird populations throughout the world. The northeastern United States is the primary nesting ground for many species of threatened songbirds. There is a very simple solution to this problem-keep your cats indoors! It is safer for them as well as for vulnerable wildlife. When cats are outdoors they kill animals all day and night. This is what cats do whether they are well fed or not. Please respect your neighbors and wildlife and keep your cats indoors.
These precious young chimney swifts were brought to WIC after their nest was unwittingly dislodged from a chimney flue. At WIC we raise dozens of chimney swifts each summer. All are released in the fall for a long and hopefully safe migration to South America. These swifts and many other migratory birds will return to the northeast in the spring to nest and raise their young.
This little hummingbird was brought to WIC after he flew into someone’s window. After lots of tender loving care he was released. WIC sells hawk silhouettes, which can be placed on windows to prevent small birds from flying into them. Please call WIC to order your silhouettes today.
Least Bittern – Each year WIC receives many threatened and endangered species in need of care. This fragile, petite bird was brought to WIC entangled in fishing line and impaled with fish hooks. We were able to remove the offending line and hooks. After a course of antibiotics and quiet rest this threatened bittern was released into an appropriate habitat. A significant outcome, especially for this threatened species. Fishing line, hooks and lures are a serious threat to wildlife and we see hundreds of cases each year at Wildlife in Crisis.
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