
Resident Internship Program

The Resident Interns at Wildlife in Crisis are dedicated, compassionate young biologists who take meticulous care of species ranging from hummingbirds and bats to fox and white-tailed deer at WIC.

Responsibilities: Including but not limited to: Quality wild animal care, facility maintenance, rescue of distressed wildlife, answering telephone, record keeping, fundraising, environmental education and volunteer management and training. The Intern will receive intensive training in wildlife rehabilitation. Start date is flexible. WIC internships are 3 – 6 months in duration. This is a full-time, UNPAID position.

Qualifications: We are seeking an energetic, dedicated, hard-working individual with a genuine love for animals and a desire to learn about caring for native wildlife. A bachelor’s degree is preferred.

Benefits: Free shared housing in a quiet woodland setting provided. Hands-on experience with a wide variety of species. This internship is a challenging, but very rewarding opportunity. The position is unpaid, WIC is entirely volunteer-run.

To Apply: Please e-mail a cover letter and resume as a Microsoft Word document, and 3 references with e-mail addresses to WIC at

About Wildlife in Crisis: Wildlife in Crisis (WIC) is a wildlife care center dedicated to injured and orphaned wildlife. WIC was founded in 1988 and accepts over 5,000 debilitated wild animals each year. The WIC wildlife rehabilitation program exists in order to provide intensive care for these wild animals so that they can be returned to their natural environment. WIC also provides sanctuary for a variety of permanent resident wild animals with behavioral or physical disabilities. Wildlife in Crisis is a volunteer-run, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

Robert Lynd