Land Trust

Wildlife in Crisis Land Trust

In 1995, The Wildlife in Crisis Land Trust was incorporated to protect and preserve open space nationwide. As natural habitats are bulldozed to make way for subdivisions, condominiums, golf courses, shopping malls and road networks, wild animals are left homeless. We believe there is a direct correlation between rising numbers of injured and orphaned wildlife and unbridled development, and we would be remiss if we failed to address this umbrella issue. The purpose of the Wildlife in Crisis Land Trust is to protect wild animals by preserving their natural habitats and providing them with permanent sanctuary. Habitat acquired through tax-deductible donations for land purchase, conservation easements, and tax-deductible donations of land will be protected in perpetuity.

Wildlife in Crisis of Weston, Connecticut, was founded in 1988 to rescue and care for injured and orphaned wildlife. Over the years, we’ve cared for everything from turtles to owls to coyote pups. But we’ve realized that nothing is more threatened than the habitat upon which these reptiles, birds and mammals depend.

To address the umbrella issue of habitat loss, we formed the Wildlife in Crisis Land Trust and became a supporting member of the Land Trust Alliance in Washington, DC. Our land trust exists to help protect open space in perpetuity, and we’re seeking people who share our vision—a desire to preserve the beauty and integrity of our natural landscape. Every bit of land that we can preserve in its natural state also will improve the quality of life for those who come after us.

The Fabric of Our Environment is Becoming Frayed.

Ten of thousands of acres of farmland and forests are cleared every year to make way for suburban sprawl, and irreplaceable wildlife habitat is being destroyed—lot by lot, bit by bit. The result is an increasingly fragmented ecosystem, bisected by the pavement of new roads, driveways and parking lots. Some species survive reasonably well in this degraded patchwork, but many important animal populations are dwindling in numbers, retreating into ever shrinking wild enclaves. Many songbird populations, for example, are declining precipitously, in large part because the deep woods habitat these birds need to reproduce is disappearing.

Click here to view the Wildlife in Crisis Land Trust brochure

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

Robert Lynd