
Environmental Education

Environmental Education with a Practical Twist

Besides answering thousands of questions each year over the phone, we frequently present educational slide shows depicting the range of wild animals cared for at WIC.

In these presentations, we show people the hazards that wild animals must face on a daily basis—from a raccoon with a peanut butter jar stuck on his head to the fawn in the swimming pool.

We try to give people the information they need to help prevent these situations, and we also work to dispel common wildlife myths. For example, the notion that if you touch a baby bird its mother will reject it (untrue, birds have a very limited sense of smell). Or that a raccoon seen in broad daylight must be rabid (also untrue, particularly in the summer months, when it isn’t unusual for mother raccoons to look for extra food during the day).

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

Robert Lynd